A GRIEVING father today called for a full inquiry into how his son died during the course of a police arrest.

Father-of-two John Gardiner collapsed and died as he was being arrested by police officers in Glenluce Crescent, Blackburn, on Friday.

The Police Complaints Authority has been asked to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of the karate black belt.

And his tearful dad, Tony, said: "I just want the truth about my son's death to come out."

As detectives in Blackburn stayed tight-lipped about the incident, shocked friends and family today spoke of their horror and anger at Mr Gardiner's death.

According to friends, Mr Gardiner, 40, who lived alone in Hozier Street, Blackburn, was in a white Sierra with four pals which was followed by a police patrol car through Blackburn on Friday night.

The car stopped in the Shadsworth area and three of the occupants, including Mr Gardiner, ran off. He was chased by four uniformed officers to a house on Glenluce Crescent belonging to a lifelong friend Neville Chapman.

Mr Chapman said: "I heard banging on my door and it was John. I saw him push one of the police officers back before he came in. I then opened the door and asked what was going on. One officer said John was under arrest for assault. He said Mr Gardiner was handcuffed and then laid down in the middle of the road.

"Then the police turned him over and began to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I ran to my car and went to fetch his dad Tony.

"I returned about 10 minutes later and he was still in the road as paramedics were still trying to revive him.

"I could not believe what I saw. My mate died in front of my own house."

In a statement the Police Complaints Authority today said the dead man was detained "after a struggle" and an initial post mortem examination had proved "inconclusive."

Detective Chief Inspector John Thornley is heading an inquiry into the incident.

He said: "At 11.30pm on Friday an incident occurred which resulted in the arrest of John Christopher Gardiner. During the course of the arrest he collapsed and was conveyed to Blackburn Infirmary where he was pronounced dead.

"A senior officer, myself, has been appointed to investigate the circumstances and the matter has been voluntarily referred to the Police Complaints Authority.

"Mr Gardiner was in possession of a quantity of substances which have been sent away for analysis. No officers have been suspended in connection with the incident."

Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Coroner Andre Rebello said an inquest into Mr Gardiner's death would be opened this week.

Mr Gardiner's two children, Liam, 9 and Sean, 11, are being comforted by his ex-wife, Bernadette, who lives in Darwen. According to friends, Mr Gardiner, 40, who lived alone in Hozier Street, Blackburn, was in a white Sierra with four pals which was followed by a police patrol car through Blackburn on Friday night.

The car stopped in the Shadsworth area and three of the occupants, including Mr Gardiner, ran off. He was chased by four uniformed officers to a house on Glenluce Crescent belonging to a lifelong friend Neville Chapman.

Mr Chapman said: "I heard banging on my door and it was John. I saw him push one of the police officers back before he came in. I then opened the door and asked what was going on. One officer said John was under arrest for assault.

He said Mr Gardiner was handcuffed and then laid down in the middle of the road.

"Then the police turned him over and began to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I ran to my car and went to fetch his dad Tony.

"I returned about 10 minutes later and he was still in the road as paramedics were still trying to revive him.

"I could not believe what I saw. My mate died in front of my own house."

In a statement the Police Complaints Authority today said the dead man was detained "after a struggle" and an initial post mortem examination had proved "inconclusive."

Detective Chief Inspector John Thornley is heading an inquiry into the incident. He said: "At 11.30pm on Friday an incident occurred which resulted in the arrest of John Christopher Gardiner. During the course of the arrest he collapsed and was conveyed to Blackburn Infirmary where he was pronounced dead.

"A senior officer, myself, has been appointed to investigate the circumstances and the matter has been voluntarily referred to the Police Complaints Authority.

"Mr Gardiner was in possession of a quantity of substances which have been sent away for analysis. No officers have been suspended in connection with the incident."

Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley Coroner Andre Rebello said an inquest into Mr Gardiner's death would be opened this week.

Mr Gardiner's two children, Liam, 9 and Sean, 11, are being comforted by his ex-wife, Bernadette, who lives in Darwen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.