A TRUST has been set up in memory of the former East Lancashire woman murdered in the Dunblane massacre.

The Gwenne Mayor Trust will raise money for artistic, sports or educational projects to benefit primary schools in Scotland.

The 45-year-old teacher grew up in Great Harwood and her parents-in-law, Thomas and Frances Mayor, still live there. Gwenne died along with 16 children when crazed gunman Thomas Hamilton burst into the school last March.

The trust has been set up by The Educational Institute of Scotland.

Announcing the initiative, the National Union of Teacher's Scottish Educational Journal said: "It will mean that the names of Gwenne Mayor and Dunblane Primary School will not be forgotten."

Immediately after the brutal slayings that rocked the world, NUT general secretary Doug McAvoy wrote to Mrs Mayor's husband, Rod, expressing deepest sympathy of members.

Mrs Mayor's father, William Hodson, was a former Great Harwood and Accrington police officer.

Her parents-in-law wrote to the Evening Telegraph to thank the people of East Lancashire for their support during the traumatic event.

Mrs Mayor moved to Scotland about 20 years ago and she had two children, Esther and Deborah.

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