A COUNCILLOR is mounting a bid to have an all-weather play area constructed in his ward to give youngsters somewhere to congregate.

Councillor David Smith said many people living in the Sunnyhurst area of Darwen have complained there is nowhere for children to play and that juvenile nuisance was becoming commonplace.

Now, with the number of young families in the area on the increase, Coun Smith is hoping funds can be found to improve an old playground on land bounded by Vale Street, Wood Street and Hope Street. He said: "While consulting local people about facilities in the area, most said they would like to see a modern play area for the children.

"There are no facilities in the that adequately cater for children and teenagers."

He said that the plans were at very early stages and he would be writing to John Donnellon, manager of Blackburn Council's Single Regeneration Budget, to see if cash could be found from the funds.

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