A SECOND sponsor has pulled the plug on Accrington Stanley at the end of one of the most devastating few days since the club crashed out of the Football League.

Bosses at the town's Greyhound Ford garage have told the club they will not being carrying on with the lucrative Player of the Month sponsorship, which earned the club a four-figure sum each season.

The move follows the decision by main backers Holland's Pies of Baxenden to end their five-figure annual sponsorship deal with the club.

Chairman Eric Whalley and commercial director John Demaine have responded by calling an urgent meeting to discuss ways of securing new cash injections as soon as possible.

Greyhound Ford made the decision for business reasons and made the announcement "with regret."

A spokesman said today: "We have to review our costs each year and we feel we need to put money into other areas, although we will still support the club to a lesser degree. "It is all about getting the best return for your money. We have been involved with Stanley for a good number of years and this decision is no reflection on what has gone before."

The company will continue to sponsor matches as well as having an advertising board at the club's Crown Ground.

Club officials are also expecting to lose a ground advertiser with the announcement that local garage Gilbraith's has lost its Rover dealership.

Mr Demaine said: "This hasn't been the best week in the club's history but both sponsors have been very good to the club in the past and we appreciate that business has to come first."

The loss of financial backing has come at a time when the club was gearing up for a promotion push to the Vauxhall Conference. Mr Demaine said: "It is frustrating that at a time when we are very optimistic about the future of the club and doing more work than ever before to build for success that things are not going well from the point of view of sponsorship.

"We are going to have a busy summer trying to replace the sponsors that we have lost.

"Sponsorship is a big part of football these days and we need the money to keep going."

Anyone wishing to sponsor Accrington Stanley can contact club officials on 01254 383235.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.