NELSON'S faster run-rate gave them victory against East Lancs after rain cut the game short.

Joe Scuderi (33) and Paul Garaghty (29 not out) were responsible for the rapid flow of runs after the Seedhill side's target was reduced.

The Blackburn team posted 138 for nine but Nelson were left chasing 103 from 30 overs after the rain, and they won with five balls to spare.

Lowerhouse's Australian professional, Shawn Flegler - a big influence on the team's good start to the season - re-signed for the club this week.

The team's match with Church was stopped by rain. Church set Lowerhouse 146 for victory but the weather intervened with home team on 12-1.

Burnley were saved by the rain against Haslingden, who made an impressive 242 for six. Burnley were struggling on 42 for three from nearly 21 overs when the downpour came.

A Ben Johnson 131 was in vain as Colne were also frustrated by the wet weather at Todmorden.

The Horsfield outfit posted 189 for six but Todmorden's innings was only six overs old when the game ended.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.