FOUR 'study on your own doorstep' students have gone to the top of the class after gaining first-class honours degrees.

They are among 33 students who have graduated this year from Accrington and Rossendale College with degrees validated by Sheffield University or Liverpool John Moores University.

The scheme, which allows students to study at their local college for a university degree is now four years old and the college is celebrating a 100 per cent pass rate with all graduates gaining a first or second-class degree.

The four firsts are Mark Bleasdale, of Montague Street, Clitheroe, and Steven Parkinson, of Queen Elizabeth Crescent, Accrington, with degrees in contemporary technology and Joanne Crowther, of Brigsteer Close, Clayton-le-Moors, and Caroline Heap, of Manchester Road, Accrington, with cultural studies.

Mature student Joanne, 35, seized the opportunity to study for a degree close to home because at the time her daughter, Emma, was only six years old. She said: "Now I want to study for an MA. I'm working part-time in a building society to raise the money and, ultimately, I would like to lecture."

The other results are: BSc Honours contemporary technology (engineering) lower second - Robert Cork, Simon Goodyear, Barry Grimes, Mark Halstead, Nicholas Haworth. BA Hons cultural studies upper second - Peter Couch, Michelle Etherington, Dianne Parkinson, Kathryn Tester, lower second - Gillian Constable, Gerard Coster, David Green. Diploma in cultural studies Mary Pilling, certificate in cultural studies Patrick Brien and Loretta Martin.

BA Hons social studies upper second - Maria Brooker, Joanne Highley, Pat Smith, Claire Tindall, lower second - Bernard Dawson, Jane Jacques, Michelle Matthews, Mary Nolan, Alexandria Walsh, Lynda Winrow.

BA Hons media studies upper second - Stuart McPherson, Timothy Phillips, Zoe Hulme, lower second - Lyndon Cockburn. BA Hons band studies upper second - David Jones, Boyd Purser, Trevor Wallbank. BA health studies results are announced later in the year.

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