SIR Bernard Ingham - probably best known as press secretary to Baroness Margaret Thatcher when she was prime minister - is to give East Lancashire business leaders tips on dealing with the media.

Sir Bernard is to host a media masterclass, organised by ELTEC, to give local chief executives an insight into how the media operates.

During the event, at Mytton Fold Farm, Langho, on October 24, Sir Bernard will be discussing media motivation and how organisations can benefit from developing a positive public image using the media. Delegates will also receive helpful practical tips.

"Sir Bernard Ingham is one of the most highly experienced media managers in the UK," said Harry Buls, business development director of ELTEC.

"The class provides an excellent opportunity for delegates not only to learn more about the media but to pick up practical tips which they can put into effect immediately."

There will be limited places for the masterclass and anyone interested in attending should contact ELTEC on 01254 301333.

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