A DRY cleaning company has moved out of its market hall premises after 21 years claiming it has been driven out by the council.

Blackburn Council is taking legal advice after Clean 'n' Fresh displayed a notice in a window at the Market Avenue shop accusing the local authority of non-co-operation and negligence.

The long-standing company has moved to premises in Morrison's supermarket after suddenly quitting Blackburn's five-day market.

Customers turning up at the dry cleaners were confronted with a closed shop and a printed letter displayed in the shop window saying the decision was taken at short notice.

The notice refers to contractors carrying out the market hall refurbishment and claims the company suffered inconvenience for more than a year while work was carried out.

The notice was painted over late yesterday afternoon.

A Blackburn Council spokesman said: "We deny entirely what the company is saying and we are taking legal advice."

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