CARPETED councillor Dave Massey is out in the cold after voting against the sell-off of Hyndburn Council's freehold interest in the Accrington Arndale.

The outspoken Church councillor has been excluded from membership of the Labour Group on Hyndburn Council for three months.

But a defiant Coun Massey said today he had been completely vindicated by the decision.

He said: "I have always admitted I voted against the Arndale sell-off and could be disciplined, and that's what they have charged me with.

"All the other accusations against me have been dropped because there was nothing in them, which is what I have said from day one."

Coun Massey had also been accused of tape-recording a meeting when the Arndale was discussed, taking confidential documents away from the same meeting, and appearing to be in "open conflict" with a committee chairman over a separate issue. Coun Massey said Labour group secretary coun Chris Reid had stated publicly last month that no action was to be taken against any councillor who abstained or vote against the sell-off.

Coun Massey added: "I have been consistent. They have done a U-turn trying to save face."

The decision to discipline him was made at a meeting of the Hyndburn Labour Party local government committee executive and members of the Labour group.

The meeting considered a report from Labour group chief whip coun Bill Goldsmith about coun Massey and members decided his recent conduct was in breach of Labour Party guidelines.

Spokesman Bill Whittaker said: "Members of the Labour group are expected not to speak or vote at meetings of the council in opposition to the decisions of the Labour group unless the group has decided to leave the matter in question to a free vote.

"The meeting therefore decided to exclude coun Massey from membership of the Labour group for three months."

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