THE parents of a young boy who was left fighting for his life after a road accident in Colne earlier this month are celebrating his return home.

Seven-year-old Ashley Haggan, of North Valley Road, Colne, suffered serious head injuries after he was hit by a car in busy rush-hour traffic in Vivary Way.

He spent more than a week in Booth Hall Children's Hospital, Manchester, as doctors and staff treated him. But now the Park Primary School pupil is back home with his parents Mark and Susan, and five-year-old brother Luke and making a slow recovery from his injuries.

His dad said: "He's doing fine thank goodness, although it's going to be a few weeks yet before he can go back to school.

"We won't know if there's going to be any permanent damage for a while yet but he seems to be OK. He gets tired easily and needs lots of rest. It's great to have him home again."

Ashley's friends and school mates sent piles of "get well soon" cards which now hold pride of place at his home.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.