A ROLLER coaster of a year is how headteacher Anthony McNamara described the last 12 months of school life at St Augustine's RC High School, Billington.

Gathered for the celebration evening and official farewell event for this year's school leavers, students, staff, parents and guests heard the head describe some of the rigours on undergoing an OFSTED inspection, the excitement of the production of a new musical 'Arabica,' the delight at some excellent examination results and the joy at success in the battle for a major new building programme at school.

Mr McNamara said that everyone present could take pride in another set of strong GCSE results - higher than the average recorded nationally and within the county. He added that the Grade One achieved by the school in the OFSTED project meant that the evening's celebrations included not only the individual successes of students, but also a splendid result achieved collectively by all in the school community.

Mr McNamara thanked his colleagues who helped him undertake the pressure of stresses of the job, at the same time offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities for pupils.

He said that the dedication of staff made St Augustine's not just an examination mill and a place where young people are challenged to work hard, but also a place where they can have a good time.

He concluded his report by telling his fifth formers: "We want to say to you that whatever the ups and downs we have had over the years, your teachers will miss you and will remember you with affection."

The prizes and certificates were presented by Sister Assunta, a Dominican nun, former headteacher and lecturer in Greek and Hebrew at Oxford.

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