BLACKBURN Rovers today launched a lightning start to their search for a new manager.

And former England boss Terry Venables has emerged at the head of the pack of candidates in the frame to take over as Ray Harford's successor.

Rovers are typically keeping their cards close to their chest following Harford's resignation yesterday.

But I understand preliminary talks were underway today in London.

And Venables is the type of big name appointment that would satisfy the fans' demands for a return to the glory days of Premiership success.

But there are other names worthy of consideration and departing boss Harford told the club: You won't struggle to find a replacement.

Howard Kendall is being tipped in some quarters to make a nostalgic return to Ewood, while the name of Sunderland boss Peter Reid has been mentioned in influential football circles.

But, whoever is the final choice, Harford - whose resignation yesterday sparked off the chase - believes the club will soon have a new boss in place.

"I don't think Blackburn will struggle to get a new manager, because it is a truly wonderful club" he said.

"It will be a very strange man who turns the job down.

"Possibly it was a mistake from my own point of view to follow Kenny, certainly in the credibility stakes.

"But how can you turn down the European Cup and one of the best clubs in Britain?

"You only have to look at the resources and facilities and the training ground."

One criticism of Harford was that he couldn't attract top players in the way that Kenny Dalglish did. But who can?

That is one of the requirements of the new boss and I also believe they will be looking for someone who knows the European scene well - not least because of the shortage of available talent in this country.

Hodgson comes into that category but could he be tempted away from Inter Milan? The Italian giants have made a good start, though Hodgson, who is virtually unknown in England despite his achievements abroad, has still been under fire.

Venables, currently in what seems to be something of an undefined role at Portsmouth, is also more than in tune with the Continental scene and a name big enough to appeal to top players.

But whether he could devote himself and his time to the seven-days-a-week commitment of club football - or would want to - at Ewood is another matter.

Similarly, Cruyff is understood to have major commitments in Barcelona.

But these are the sort of high-profile people Rovers should be looking at.

I suspect there might be a reluctance to go back to the future, so to speak, over Kendall, now doing a good job at Bramall Lane. But his name is bound to be mentioned, along with that of Reid, who retains a base in neighbouring Bolton.

My view is that Howard Wilkinson, who is out of work, is a non-starter, and I am not sure that the fans would respond to an approach for Bruce Rioch, number two at QPR after being given the boot by Arsenal.

It's easy to find reasons why people aren't either available or up to it, the board have to adopt a positive attitude, make up their minds and go for it.

The name of Kenny Dalglish will also be put forward by many supporters. But is that a realistic prospect? I think not.

One problem is that Rovers cannot poach another Premiership boss under a current agreement between clubs.

But, if another manager was to approach his own chairman and ask for permission to apply for the Ewood job, that's a different matter. And Rovers would no doubt be happy to hear from prospective candidates.

Bradlow Bookmakers have already started taking bets, installing Howard Kendall as an early favourite and even quoting the likes of Jurgen Klinsmann and George Graham!

The odds: 6-4 Howard Kendall, 5-2 Terry Venables, 4-1 Howard Wilkinson, 6-1 Bruce Rioch, 8-1 Johann Cruyff, 10-1 Dave Bassett, Tony Parkes, 12-1 Jim Smith, Jurgen Klinsmann, 14-1 Jack Charlton, 16-1 Roy Hodgson, 20-1 George Graham.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.