IF YOU'VE ever watched a bobsleigh race down the track during the WInter Olympics and fancied a go, then now is your chance.

The British Bob Skeleton Association and British Aerospace are offering the chance for Lancashire Evening Telegraph readers to take part in a training week in Lillehammer, Norway, in December.

British Aerospace in Lancashire became involved in the sport after two BAe students, Frank Burke and Kristan Bromley, designed a new bob skeleton sledge for the British team as part of the firm's graduate development programme.

Bob skeleton racing involves steering a sledge head-first down a track at speeds topping 80mph, with your chin inches from the ice! The association is now looking for up to 14 individuals to take part in the free training week. It is hoped that participants could eventually make the UK team. Entrants are being asked to submit up to 100 words explaining why they feel they should be selected for the week, which includes paid for flights and accommodation.

Applicants should be aged between 20 and 30, be athletic and have some driving ability in order to understand the best race lines to take.

Applications should be made to Jan Holland, BBSKA, 28 York Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B16 9JB by November 10.

Normal Lancashire Evening Telegraph competition rules apply.

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