POLICE spook patrols have promised not to spoil the spirit of Hallowe'en in Britain's witching capital as long as revellers behave themselves.

Lancashire police will again put special measures in place to prevent any spells of trouble as Pendle Hill and the surrounding area become cauldrons of activity tomorrow night. But the officer in charge has assured that people will be allowed to enjoy themselves.

Colne-based Chief Inspector Mike Schofield said: "We have an operation which will hopefully ensure that people who want to celebrate Hallowe'en on Pendle Hill can do so.

"A one-way system will be in operation over Pendle Hill and officers will be patrolling the area.

"This year the Wellsprings pub isn't operating so that might take away the usual focal point for revellers."

The one-way system operates from 6pm on the A59 from Clitheroe in the direction of Sabden via the Nick of Pendle. Motorists will have to use Whalley Road in the opposite direction.

The Rossendale Valley Mountain Rescue team will be on stand-by and pubs in the villages around Pendle Hill are either staying closed or restricting admission.

Thousands of people traditionally travel to the home of the Lancashire witches each year, and Chief Inspector Schofield said midnight was the "preferred time to drink in the atmosphere."

He added: "We will of course allow people to celebrate in a reasonable manner. In past years there has been trouble but officers will be patrolling on foot and in vehicles.

"We would ask people to be sensible and to ensure they are wearing the proper clothing if they intend to walk over Pendle Hill."

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