SIX pupils from Burnley's Barden High School enjoyed a trip to the Motor Show and collected a 17-seater mini-bus for their school - thanks to innovative Ansar Ali.

Ansar, 14, designed and drew a car of the future and entered it in a national competition run by the Daily Telegraph. His entry was picked as the best from more than 3,000 entries.

His dream vehicle would run on herbs and water as well as solar and electric power, with special eye and hand sensors for security and a hand-cuffing device if a thief tried to steal it. Ansar's car would come equipped with TV, video, radio, an external camera, air bags and a protection shell.

It would float on rocket jets 30cm above ground, cruise at 150mph and slide into parking spaces with ease.

Ansar and his schoolpals collected the minibus, together with £500 of Esso fuel and 10 years' RAC cover.

Daily Telegraph editor Charles Moore said: "A lot of thought and effort went into this entry. The design is innovative, but practical and considers everything from safety to the environment."

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