AN East Lancashire MP is calling on people to come up with ways to celebrate the millennium in the area.

Gordon Prentice wants ideas to make use of National Lottery cash in the region.

The Pendle Labour backbencher wants to ensure that cash from the Millennium Fund does not all end up in London.

Mr Prentice quizzed National Heritage Secretary Virginia Bottomley on the issue earlier this month and she told him the Government wanted to see the money spread throughout the country on a programme of events to celebrate the year 2000. Mrs Bottomley told him: "Should you have any suitable ideas for festival events, I would be happy to hear from you."

Now Mr Prentice is taking her at her word. He said: "I am trawling for good ideas on how the North West can celebrate the millennium.

"I am not for letting the grass grow under my feet.

"The year 2000 is just round the corner. I want to see festival events in the Pendle and East Lancashire areas.

"I just need some good ideas."

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