QUATERBACKS and quarter pounders are replacing full backs and Bovril at Darwen Football Club's Anchor Ground.

Penalty areas are being swapped for touchdown zones as American football fever sweeps through the town.

As of April, the ground is the new home for the Lancashire Wolverines - and press officer/linebacker, Martin Dean, is convinced sports fans will be bitten by the game.

He said: "We're going to be a sensation and take the town by storm.

"We've got high hopes this season and we're sure everyone will get behind us. The ground is just what we need and we can't wait to kick off."

The team temporarily folded half way through last season and lost their 14-year residency at Horwich Leisure Centre.

But Darwen FC threw the Wolverines a lifeline by allowing them to share the ground for the forthcoming season.

Darwen chairman, Kath Marah, said: "It's a very exciting time for us and even the players are talking about joining in!"

Comprising firemen, bankers, insurers, factory and fast food workers from across the county, the 35-strong squad plays in the North and Midlands Division of the British American Football League.

An authentic curtain raiser has been planned for March 27 when the Wolverines entertain US college side, the Oregon All Stars.

Mr Dean added: "It'll be a great game for all the family and we want everyone to come on down and have a rootin' tootin' good time."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.