CRIME fighters are being given spy-in-the-sky helping eyes.

The council has attracted security camera funding of £65,565 for Atherton town centre, £36,850 for Golborne town centre and £65,340 for the Borsdane Avenue area of Hindley.

Delighted deputy Council Leader Cllr Tom Sherratt welcomed news of the closed circuit TV security boost.

He said:"I am absolutely delighted. It will certainly be a major boost to the four areas concerned. All the evidence from other areas and our own trials that cameras can be a big help to local crime prevention agencies.

"We have had excellent support in the communities concerned from councillors, traders and police. I believe our success is a tribute to the pioneering work we have done in risk management which was recently held up as a national model by Home Office Minister David McLean."

Atherton Traders' Association secretary Pauline Holgate is similarly delighted with news that 18 cameras are on the way to Market Street, Mealhouse Lane, Church Street and Alma Street.

"It's got to bring hope back to the community - and let's face it Atherton does need revitalising.

"We'd like to thank Cllrs Sue Loudon and Joe Clarke and helpful authority officers. We couldn't have got it without them."

Golborne will get seven cameras, five in High Street and two in Heath Lane.

Hindley gets the borough's first CCTV cameras to be installed in residential areas with 16 centring on the Mornington Road leisure centre and high school area.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.