MARS Attack currently showing at Warner Brothers, Capitol Centre, Walton-le-Dale in Preston.

MARS ATTACK is a typical, much-hyped, B-type movie which although funny in parts doesn't live up to expectations.

I laughed at it not because it was funny but because it was silly - in fact the funniest part in the whole movie was Slim Whittingham singing making a Martian's head explode (see what I mean?).

It is very slow moving at the beginning but the number of stars - including Piers Brosnan, Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito and Tom Jones - keep you interested in this far-fetched film.

Glenn Close also turns in a classy performance as the lead lady and the special effects are good.

Apart from that I would recommend a night in at at home or go along to Warner Brothers and choose a different film from the many alternatives.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.