RESIDENTS in Cottam are furious over plans to build a supermarket the size of a football pitch on their doorstep.

Instead of the small shops and health centre that were originally intended for the Preston housing estate, a complex one and a half times the size of Morrisons could be built, complete with a 24-hour petrol station.

Over 50 residents and members of Preston Borough Council met last week to express their anger towards the scheme.

And with a proposed primary school further down the road, it's not only raised worries about traffic but also possible dangers to children.

The original proposal, passed in 1983, laid out plans for several small outlets but three weeks ago CNT announced the changes.

CNT spokesperson said: "It is essential that trends in shopping habits which have emerged over recent years are taken into account when considering development proposals of this kind and we are convinced the proposed amendment to the form of the centre, though not its size, will enable us to provide high quality facilities which will meet the needs of this fast-growing area."

Now local shop owners, fearing they could be put out of business if the supermarket gets the all clear, have also joined the campaign.

One Cottam resident Phil Howell of Millergate, went to CNT's headquarters in Warrington two years ago to check their plans for development before deciding to buy his Redrow house.

He said: "There was nothing on the plans about a supermarket or petrol station. I wouldn't have bought the house if I had known what was going to happen."

The planning application has been deferred by the council until April 17.

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