AN ADMIRABLE letter in the Citizen last week by Mr Marsden entitled Darwen's Great Wall.

It demonstrates the strength of feeling some older Darweners have in their town and its traditions.

However, what the letter fails to take account of is that times change and so do people and their cultural perspectives.

The motorway which he derides in such a cynical manner is perhaps a pathway to the golden skies of business opportunity and prosperity for the town.

As for rivalry with the neighbouring town of Blackburn, I believe that when Unitary consolidation becomes a reality that contempt displayed in the tones of this letter by Mr Marsden will disappear like the early, morning mists over Darren Tower.

It should be remembered that the Great Wall of China which Mr Marsden is comparing the motorway construction with according to most historical narratives was not just an ugly lump of brick or stone but brought a revival of culture, pride and a belief in a progressive destiny in it.

Duncan McVee,

Robin Bank Road,


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