A WOMAN whose life has been rocked by cancer is hard at work training for a race she hopes will help save others from heartache.

Marcia Steele lost her 65-year-old mother to breast cancer and her beloved daughter Christine also died aged just 31.

Since that terrible time six years ago Marcia, from Mendip Road, Clayton-le-Woods near Preston, has vowed to do all she can to stop other families going through the same ordeal.

That's why she's recruiting runners for this year's Race for Life, a 5km women-only sponsored run/walk round Moor Park in aid of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

Marcia said: "When I found out about Christine's illness I was numb and wanted to be sick. I was shocked it could happen to somebody so young.

"Christine and I were so close. She made me promise to tell her three children all about their mum."

Last year 670 women took part in the Preston race raising £22,000. This year organisers expect more than 1,000 join in on June 1.

Marcia said: "The camaraderie is incredible. It's enjoyable, not competitive. You can run, walk or even crawl round the course, it doesn't matter.

"Women have to do this for their mothers, daughters, granddaughters and themselves."

Training sessions take place three times a week, for details call Dean Brandwood on 01772-203456. To sign up for the race call 0990-134 314.

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