COLLEAGUES and friends have paid tribute to a popular County Councillor who lost his battle against cancer last weekend aged just 48.

Leyland man Dennis Golden, Chairman of Lancashire County Council's highways and transportation committee died on Saturday (March 8) in St Catherine's Hospice.

Chairman of the County Council Don Yates, a long-time friend of Mr Golden said everyone was losing a dedicated, hard working and genuinely good man.

Mr Yates said: "He was a very pleasant man who was 100 per cent committed.

"He had strong views and he worked hard to make those views a reality. Lancashire and South Ribble have lost a good friend.

"As an MP he would have been marvellous and I feel very sorry he didn't get the chance. It's very tragic as doors were starting to open up for him."

Former County Council leader Louise Ellman who also worked with Mr Golden said: "Dennis was committed to making things better for ordinary people. He was a sincere person, a hard working man and a great friend. He will be sorely missed."

Mr Golden, who was single, had a long career in the local government arena after starting out on South Ribble Council in the late 70s and was a former worker at Leyland Trucks.

He was due to stand as South Ribble's Labour candidate in the General Election but due to his ill health his position was taken by Preston Council leader David Borrow.

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