A HIGH-TECH link-up across Europe marked the launch of a £120,000 information technology centre at a Burnley high school.

Pupils at Ivy Bank linked up with students in Finland and Berkshire via a video conference link set up as part of the computer resource centre at the school.

The centre has been created through a pioneering partnership forged between the school, Burnley-based business equipment firm F H Brown, and Fujitsu, the world's second largest computer company. It is equipped with a network of computers which have been connected by video cameras and specialist telephone lines to allow the Burnley students to communicate with the children of Fujitsu employees at the company's European manufacturing plant near Helsinki and students on a work placement project at its UK headquarters in Bracknell. F H Brown's joint managing director Andrew Brown and other local business leaders gathered at the school for the launch.

The firm backed the project by fitting out the centre and leasing the equipment to the school on attractive terms.

Head Steve Ball said: "It is a valuable resource for the school which will be used by pupils from all years and subjects. "For example, French and German students will be able to talk to people in France and Germany through the video link.

"It will also be used as the homework centre for students and will be open before and after normal school hours for pupils who want somewhere quiet and private to work."

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