A FINANCIAL firm which described bad debtors as "thieving b******s" has been criticised by advertising watchdogs.

Stirling Credit Management & Debt Recovery sent out a faxed advertisement detailing its services warning companies that by giving credit they risked falling prey to 'vultures.'

"We have a nationwide rapid response team of professional debt collectors out on the road day and night to give personal visits to the thieving b******s that have robbed you!" read the the fax.

The advert went on to say that if Stirling's collectors "didn't collect they don't get paid (which makes them very eager to recover money)."

An MP in London who saw the fax complained to the Advertising Standards Authority that it was offensive and threatening. The firm, based at the GEC business park at Clayton-le-Moors, responded that the advert was designed to make recipients aware that their debt collectors were keen and that it had not mean to cause offence.

But the ASA said agreed with the MP that the tone of the advert was likely to offend and warned not to repeat the advert.

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