IT is a fact that many of us are living much longer and healthier lives than our ancestors did. But unfortunately, as the proportion of us living to ripe old ages increases, so does the problem of long-term care.

Through my own experiences I must say there are still many kind, caring and extremely compassionate families, friends and neighbours out there who do their utmost to help keep the aged in their own homes for as long as possible.

However, very sadly, through no fault of their own (apart from making it to their senior years) many elderly people end up being thrown on to the scrap heap and shoved-off into old folks' homes for convenience.

Even worse, because the National Health Service is almost broke and Social Services has tightened up its purse strings, many old age pensioners who have managed to save any money are ending up forking out ridiculous amounts of cash to be looked after.

The fact they are being ripped off is an understatement. Let's face it, surely the majority of the elderly who have paid their taxes and national insurance stamps all their lives should be allowed to reap some reward such as being taken care of in their senior years - just as they were promised by the government in the first place.

How some of these fancy privately owned nursing and retirement homes can be allowed to get away with what they charge is unbelievable and outrageous. Huge sums of corporate dosh has been poured into the care industry, so, ensuring the independent care sector remains a highly competitive business among money-grabbing entrepreneurs. Okay, I suppose I'll have to admit that there are some reasonable old folks' places out there, run by people who really do care, but in my experience I've found them to be very few and far between.

However, what really makes my blood boil and makes me want to grab for the jugular, are the many blood-sucking, non-caring leeches, who are only involved in the care industry to gain giant-sized, fat-cat wage packets to put silver linings in their own pockets.

Homes run by unscrupulous people such as these should be completely outlawed, and in my opinion these sort of owners should be taken out kicking and screaming and shot at dawn! I really do not understand. I mean what is it with them? Do they think they are immortal and that they're NEVER going to grow old?

My revenge would be to rip them off by several thousands of pounds per week (instead of several hundred - as they are doing now), feed them on bread and water (well at least that's a bit better than the garbage they feed a lot of the oldies on now, for example: fishfingers, baked beans and reconstituted mashed spuds) and allow them one bath per month!

Well folks, if you're rapidly approaching those rest home years and you've been lucky and fortunate enough to gain quite a handsome sum in life-savings - take my advice, get out there and spend it all before it's too late. Do you agree or disagree with Citizen Smith? Write to Citizen Smith, Citizen Newspapers, High Street, Blackburn, Lancs BB1 1HT

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.