COUNCIL bosses in Hyndburn are being encouraged to get to work and to business meetings by bike in a go-green initiative.

The idea has won the backing of county hall and a series of special events is planned for this summer.

Lancashire County Council has promised to hand over almost £20,000 to improve cycling routes and facilities across Hyndburn.

The council wants to cut down on pollution and congestion by encouraging more people to use pedal power.

Proposals include improving safety conditions, more cycle routes and more measures to discourage car commuters.

The county council has promised to donate £5,000 to help pay for the Great Harwood to Rishton cycle route and £4,000 towards parking spaces for bikes in Hyndburn. The new bike route will follow the line of the former railway.

A major cycle route between Baxenden and Oswaldtwistle will be completed with the help of a £10,000 grant.

Events lined up for this summer include a cycle fair in Accrington and the official opening of the Rishton to Great Harwood route.

Bosses from Hyndburn Council will cycle from Manchester to Accrington in June.

The event will be followed by a week of activities aimed at encouraging town hall workers to take up biking.

The events are being timed to coincide with national bike week.

Lancashire County Council has congratulated Hyndburn on the ground breaking project and promised to back any future proposals.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.