MEMBERS of a project which aims to help the town's homeless are hoping to turn rags into riches when they take to the catwalk next month.

St Helens Accommodation Project (SHAP) aims to raise £1,000 from a combined nearly new-fashion show and clothes sale to help young homeless people in the area take a much-needed break.

And they are joining forces with St Helens Police and St Helens College authorities to make sure the show is a hit. Police officers have agreed to help publicise the event, while students at the college will assist with hairdressing and music. The nearly-new clothes, have all been donated by well-wishers and will be on sale after the show at a reasonable price.

Two performances of the fashion show, at 1 and 4pm, will take place at St Helens College on Friday, April 11. Admission to the event is free but a small charge will be made for programmes.

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