A SEASON of soaring success, in which Saints lifted the Challenge Cup and Super League Championship, ensured a bouyant mood when the club held its annual meeting of shareholders on Monday.

While not quite euphoric, the packed audience was reminded by chairman Eric Ashton that since last gathering 17 months ago the club had gone from strength to strength, as four trophies on display confirmed.

However winning of silverware had its price, with Saints announcing a net loss of £219,451, liabilities of £1,121, 960 and assets of £317,111, but Mr. Ashton gave an assurance that his board - who were congratulated on the team's triumphs - was working hard to improve the financial situation and bankers NatWest had re-affirmed their confidence in Saints as a going concern.

Staying with money matters, verified by auditors Grant Thornton, players' wages doubled with the introduction of full-time professionalism from £815,648 to £1,694,314, while increased staffing levels in line with Framing the Future saw salaries rise from £172,148 to £520,830.

Said chief executive David Howes: "When looking at the overall picture it should be remembered that Saints have invested heavily in many commercial projects, as well as signing Paul Newlove.

"However, it is far from a doom and gloom situation because gates rose by 40 per cent, and sponsorship and our many commercial enterprises are booming,' added Mr. Howes in answering fears that Saints do not suffer a fate similar to that which befell Wigan and Widnes.

Tribute was paid to retiring board member Joe Pickavance, while directors Howard Morris and Eric Latham were re-elected.

Saints' new livery, badge and logo; on-going interest in Iestyn Harris, and ground re-development were other meaty bones of contention, while stalwart Tim Aindow, a fan for 75 years, once again championed the cause of the pensioner.

However the piece-de-resistance at Saints' 59th AGM came when Knowsley Road regular and former MP Michael Maguire delivered an emotional plea that his team remain a protected species as 'the Saints' and nothing more!

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