A CONFIDENTIAL report on Sutton Manor School has led to the suspension of its headmaster.

The school, on Forest Road, is now the subject of a formal investigation following criticism about standards at the school and concern over management from OFSTED inspectors.

Headmaster Mr David West has been replaced by Mrs McCann, at the request of the governing body , to assist in the running of the school. A curriculum action plan is being established with a more rigid management structure.

School Governors are confident that the action already taken and the on-going support of the Council will enable the school to quickly address problems identified in the report.

A spokesman for the Governors said: "Parents can be assured that every action necessary will be taken to place the school back on a sound footing and to guarantee the quality of education which they have every right to expect. Up to this point we have been constrained by the confidential nature of the feedback from the OFSTED team but we are now anxious to involve parents in the action planning process."

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