CAN anyone shed some light on an ancient, inscribed block of sandstone standing close to the much-vandalised duck pond in Victoria Park, St Helens?

The request comes from Harry Carter of Dentons Green who spotted the unusual monumental feature while taking a stroll across the open parkland.

What he's really interested in is the carved message on the 4ft-long block, under the title 'Traveller's Rest-1861.' Some of the lower text has been eroded by time and the effects of the weather. But the opening words are still faintly legible. They read: 'Rest to the body is sweet; But rest to the soul is sweeter...'

What Harry (and now my intrigued self) would like to know is, is anyone can complete the text and perhaps explain where the carved oblong block originated.

It is shaped, says Harry, like a stepping stone at either end. And he wonders whether it was at one time used as a mounting stone for horse riders of early Victorian times.

IF you think you could provide a clue or two, please drop me a line at: Whalley's World, St Helens Star, YMCA Buildings, Duke Street, St Helens WA10 2HZ.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.