POLICE in St Helens are investigating two incidents in which what appear to have been home-made bombs exploded in the Eccleston area.

The first was reported on Wednesday, February 26 in the grounds of Eccleston Methodist Church in Burrows Lane when a local resident heard a loud bang and spotted puffs of smoke coming from the church grounds. On closer inspection, police discovered two metal objects.

The second reported incident took place at about 8pm on Tuesday, March 4 at the recreation ground near Walmesley Road. Police discovered similar metal objects and a chemical substance nearby.

All the items were later examined and disposed of by the Bomb Disposal Squad who described them as "extremely dangerous and if mishandled, could cause serious injury or damage."

Police say it is a miracle no-one was killed or seriously injured by the devices and are now in the process of interviewing a number of youths who were playing football in the Walmesley Road area at the time of the second explosion. They are also advising parents to warn their children of the dangers involved in making or possessing explosives.

IF you have any information on either incident, you can contact DC Dave Littler on 0151 777 6064 or call the Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous.

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