CAT owners in Halton have been warned to keep an eye on their feline friends after the deaths of two cats in suspicious circumstances.

Gillian Goodger of Sykelands Avenue has sounded the warning after four of her moggies went missing.

One of the missing cats was found dead in a neigbours garden while another was discovered in a skip in Morecambe by Mrs Goodger's husband. The other two have not been seen.

Said Mrs Goodger: "One was found without a mark on it and it appears to have been poisoned. The other was found dead in a skip in Morecambe close to a place where my husband works.

There's no way the cat could have gone that far and it's such a co-incidence that it seems malicious."

She added: "The police and the RSPCA have been alerted and I'm worried sick that others might be killed."

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