A MONTH of fund-raising activities will mark the 85th anniversary of the birth of contralto Kathleen Ferrier, whose brilliant career was tragically cut short by cancer.

Save the Children charity volunteers have organised a series of special events in honour of the singer who lived in Blackburn for 20 years and had great success in opera, oratorio and recital.

In 1953 she was made a Commander of the British Empire for her services to music, and died later that year.

Kathleen Ferrier memorabilia from Blackburn Museum will be on show at Samlesbury Hall from May 6 to June 1, there is a charge for entry to the hall (open from 11am to 4.30pm except Mondays).

A gala concert takes place there at 8pm on May 15 at 6.30pm, featuring Geraldine McCreevy, winner of the 1996 Kathleen Ferrier Prize, and Christopher Gould.

Profits will go to Save the Children. Tickets at £12.50 include a finger buffet.

For details call Samlesbury Hall on 01254 812010.

Two talks on Kathleen Ferrier and 20th century music will be held at Blackburn Library on May 20 and 21.

The events have been organised with support from the Co-operative Bank, Blackburn Council and Museum and Samlesbury Hall.

A Kathleen Ferrier Society was started in 1993, for details phone Sylvia Alexander on 01254 262293.

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