ROY HODGSON could well establish a French connection when he makes his first transfer market moves with at least one of Monaco's highly rated stars in his sights.

But the versatile Emmanuel Petit might be a better bet than Patrick Blondeau, the man being linked with the new Blackburn Rovers boss today.

And don't rule out a move much closer to home by the current Inter-Milan coach.

For he has some top talents of his own at the San Siro, including young defender Alessandro Pistone.

Monaco impressed everyone in England as they overwhelmed Newcastle in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup.

Blondeau, 29, has been their regular right back for several seasons and his qualities are well known throughout Europe.

But so too is Petit who could be a more appropriate Ewood target.

Now aged 26, he was first capped by France as a 19-year-old and he has the ability to fill any of the defensive roles including left back.

In today's game that can be a valuable asset, as Rovers have discovered with players such as Henning Berg.

Petit has interested Tottenham in the past and, of course, Hodgson had the opportunity to take a close-up look at Monaco as Inter beat them over two legs to reach the UEFA Cup Final.

It would not be unusual either for a manager to bring at least one player with him from his former club. Pistone is highly rated and the defensive qualities of the Italians are legendary. Apart from strengthening Rovers' squad - and that means all departments - Hodgson might yet have to face up to finding a replacement for Graeme Le Saux, unless there is an about turn in the England defender's attitude.

It looks increasingly likely that he will be seeking a move this summer and the left hand side could well become more of a priority than the right.

Rovers refuse to comment on Le Saux's latest views about his own position, claiming the situation has not really changed.

But, once the relegation scrap is settled, they are going to have to face up to the likelihood that he will want to move on - unless they can persuade him that his ambitions can be fulfilled at Ewood.

Meanwhile, as we revealed some days ago, Newcastle are poised to lead the chase for goalkeeper Shay Given once the season ends.

They can expect competition from Sunderland, if they stay in the Premiership, for the young Irish star who is out of contract this summer.

But, as we reported, North East sources believe he will be on his way to Tyneside and a tribunal may have to settle the fee.

Newcastle have so far not made an official bid. The Paul Ince situation has also taken another twist, with Arsenal today claiming they are not interested in a player who is thought to want to return to England, and particularly London, this summer.

Highbury chairman Peter Hill-Wood said today: "As far as we are concerned, signing him is a total non-starter.

"There is no prospect of us signing Ince, good player though he is.

"We are not prepared to pay massive transfer fees and astronomical wages for players who may have little sell-on value when their contracts expire.

"It is no secret that Arsene (Wenger) has considerable funds at his disposal for strengthening the squad.

"But he has discussed his transfer strategy at some length - and Ince does not fit into our spending policy."

That is a similar policy to one which Rovers have operated in the past. Whether it still applies remains to be seen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.