VOTERS in Blackburn and Darwen are being warned to examine their ballot papers carefully or risk losing a say in who will win control the town hall.

Residents in Blackburn face more choices than other East Lancashire folk on polling day.

Nine candidates are contesting the General Election in the town, more than any other constituency in the area.

And most residents in the borough will be voting for up to three councillors for the new unitary authority which is taking over powers from County Hall.

Voters in Whitehall ward will be choosing one candidate while there are two vacancies in North Turton and Tockholes.

But because Labour is the only party to have a candidate in all 62 seats, some councillors will be elected unopposed. Because of the lack of opposition the ruling Labour group is guaranteed at least two councillors in the Audley, Ewood, Queen's Park and Sudell wards.

General Election papers will be coloured white and council papers peach to avoid confusion at polling stations.

Returning officer Gerald Davies said: "Voters should check how many votes they may make with the staff at their polling station.

"Ballots could be spoiled accidentally if people vote for two or three candidates if they only need to chose one."

"I would also urge people to check their polling card as some polling stations have changed.

"Some of the electorate may be voting at a venue than they have previously attended."

Voters are also being reminded they do not need to bring their polling card when they cast their vote.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.