A CONTROVERSIAL retail and industrial complex is expected to be up and running by next summer, according to the developers.

Gregory Properties, the firm behind the scheme to bring £6 million of investment to the former Smith & Nephew Stonebridge Mill site in Colne, said it was delighted at Pendle Council's decision to grant planning permission for the project.

Town centre traders have expressed fears that the site will take away their business and those misgivings will have been deepened by current events.

Work on the site, which will include industrial units, a car showroom, a drive-through restaurant and other shops, is due to start in June and be completed 12 months later. A number of national and regional companies have already expressed interest in taking space.

Richard Tovey, of Gregory Properties, said: "We are delighted that we shall shortly be able to commence work on this exciting development.

"In addition to creating new jobs for local people, we are confident that the scheme will bring major business to a previously redundant and derelict site."

Council officials persuaded the developer to increase the amount of industrial space on the complex.

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