IS IT possible to consider the local taxation situation, etc, objectively?

I would suggest that most people who object to any form of so-called 'poll' tax do so for purely subjective reasons, ie: ignoring any socio-political clap-trap on the subject.

On the other hand, I would disagree with Mrs Trisha Buzzard's observation that the present council tax is 'an unacceptable alternative' (LET, April 16).

How can anyone correlate the value of a property - assessed by faceless ones when property was at a premium - with the amount one has to pay in council tax? This is nonsensical.

A similar situation exists with the water rate. Why should a couple pay the same amount of council tax and water rate as, say, five people living in an identical property on the same street?

The problem of payment for actual water consumption can be easily solved, and, surely, a fairer system of payment for utilisation of council services by the individual can be formulated.

R BRACEWELL (Mr), Ormerod Street, Worsthorne, Burnley.

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