THE Labour candidate for Pendle has launched a scathing attack on youths who attacked a head teacher when he challenged them for tearing down a political poster in a neighbour's garden.

They were today described as "ignorant yobs" by Gordon Prentice.

Gerry McCabe, 49, head of Primrose Hill Special School, Burnley, had been dining with friends at his home in Keighley Road, Colne, on Saturday night when he saw five youths tearing down the Labour poster.

He went out to have a word with the group and was attacked.

"Gerry has a broken nose and two black eyes as a result of this vicious attack by a cowardly bunch of ignorant yobs," said Mr Prentice.

"This kind of totally unprovoked assault needs to be dealt with severely," he added.

Police said two youths were being questioned and enquiries were continuing.

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