I AM pleased your newspaper continues to print articles concerning the burning of hazardous waste in the cement kilns of Castle Cement, Clitheroe - 'Cemfuel firm could face legal action on emissions' (LET, April 23).

The responses of both the Environment Agency and Castle Cement were so predictable, the former sitting on the fence as they and their predecessors have done for the last five years, the latter doing its utmost to discredit, confuse and dodge the real issue, as they also have done for the last five years.

Since Castle Cement began burning hazardous waste, many residents have experienced health problems. No one can say that this industrial process is safe because no research into its effect on health has been carried out in this country.

Stating that there is no evidence to show that it causes health problems is not the same as saying that the process is safe.

Everyone has let down the residents of the Ribble Valley, including both local and national elected representatives, local and regional health officers and local and national government officers. Not one of them is prepared to make a stand against the bullying and domineering tactics of this foreign-owned company.

Thank God for Mrs Mary Horner and her supporters who, for over five years, have refused to be intimidated while vigorously campaigning for the burning of 'Cemfuel' and other hazardous waste to be banned, until they have been independently researched and scientifically proven to be safe.

When will those in authority come down off the fence and admit that the health and well-being of the population must take priority over profits of foreign companies? When it's too late?

J MORTIMER (Mrs), Green Drive, Clitheroe.

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