A SENIOR councillor has slammed "unscrupulous" taxi drivers in Hyndburn after 19 cabs were ordered off the road in a safety swoop.

The increase in the number of taxis failing the authority's safety checks was deplorable, said Coun Len Dickinson, chairman of the licensing sub committee.

Of 26 taxis stopped in the borough last Friday, 19 failed to reach the required standard with defects ranging from faulty steering and worn brake pads to defective tyres and lights.

Fifteen were suspended from being used as taxis, with two of those immediately banned from being used for any purpose on the road until repairs are carried out.

Three were temporarily suspended, and one was found to be unlicensed. The failed cabs have to be returned to the council's testing station within 14 days to ensure the repairs have been carried out.

Failure to present them for inspection within two months can lead to licences being revoked.

Drivers may also face prosecution over taxi regulations and defective tyres following the joint swoop by police and the council. Coun Dickinson said: "These results show that, despite the measures the council is taking to monitor road safety, there are still unscrupulous drivers who are ignoring the law.

"The committee backs the vehicle enforcement officer in the actions he is taking to remove these rogue taxi drivers, and welcomes the co-operation of the police.

"The deterioration in numbers passing the test can only be described as deplorable."

Some taxis were not displaying the company's name on the front doors of cabs, as required by the council to make identifying taxis easier, improving safety particularly for lone women passengers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.