THE problem of teenage groups gathering around Brierfield and Reedley is causing concern among local councillors.

With summer ahead they fear groups of young people hanging around on street corners will become a greater nuisance.

But Alan Binns, chairman of Reedley Hallows Parish Council, admits there is no easy answer to the problem and the council feels helpless to help either the youngsters or residents who complain about their behaviour. "There's nothing really for them in Reedley apart from sports clubs which aren't for everyone," he said. "We feel helpless in many ways of finding a solution. They congregate on a site, people get fed up and they move on to a new site. I don't really know what the answer is."

Mr Binns said young people were also coming from Burnley to meet in the area and there had been isolated problems of the teenagers drinking alcohol.

"At the moment, they're congregating on the former Lucas playing fields and outside the magistrates court," added Mr Binns. "I feel sorry for them because they have nowhere to go. We've looked at the issue a number of times but we don't know what the answer is."

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