COLOSSAL Bob Wright wants to lose his Weight Watcher leader - literally!

Bob has been told to shed eight stones of flab - the equivalent weight of his leader Gill Armer, who runs Blackburn town centre slimming meetings.

Determined Bob, 46, a former manager at Whitbread Brewery, said: "I am going to do it this time.

"Both my son and daughter are marrying next year and I want to be slim for the photographs.

"Also I want to see 50 and be fit for 50."

Bob's weight rocketed to over 21 stone in a 20 year period.

He said: "I did no exercise, ate all the wrong foods at the wrong times and I had to test the beer at work. I just couldn't get used to spitting it out!" Bob, of Shorrock Lane, Blackburn, who cites his weakness as bacon sandwiches, finds his weight debilitating

"I used to play rugby and football but now I do nothing. I struggle to get through the turnstile at Blackburn Rovers.

"I can hardly walk and I sweat a lot. Carrying the weight around is putting stress on my joints.

"To change my lifestyle I needed time. I've got that now."

His turning point came when he visited his doctor and saw the word "obesity' on his medical card.

"I felt a bit sad. As a person you don't think that is what you are."

Bob's doctor put him on a GP referral scheme for a 10 week exercise course.

At the same time Bob joined Weight Watchers and now combines a healthy diet with regular exercise - and he's already shed 10 pounds.

Gill said: "Bob is actually carrying another human being around with him in weight.

"It won't happen overnight but this time he is very determined to lose the weight."

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