WE were informed last year, through your newspaper, that the problem of the ducks around Pleckgate, Blackburn, would be solved "to everyone's satisfaction, including the ducks'."

I have to tell you the only 'satisfied customers' are the ducks and the duck-lovers. For the rest of us, the misery goes on. The dangerous (to motorists) filthy and unhygienic (to children playing) and destructive (to gardens and garden ponds) pests are still with us.

In spite of permanent netting, all the tadpoles in our pond were eaten in the spring and the water made disgusting.

In the past week, I have twice narrowly avoided a driving accident due to a duck with six chicks crossing the road.

The problem will not be solved until the pond on the Rhodes Avenue estate is filled in and a new home is found for them.

So come on, estate managers, stop 'ducking the issue' and let's have some real action.

NAME and address received.

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