VITAL lifesaving equipment has been donated to Lancashire Constabulary's Air Support Unit.

British Aerospace - a member of the Lancashire Partnership Against Crime - paid for a self-inflating life raft which will be carried on board the Air Support Unit's helicopter.

The raft can carry seven people and comes complete with anchor, paddles, waterproof torch, distress signals, fresh water tablets and first aid equipment.

The Air Support Unit is based at BAe's Warton headquarters and the need for a raft was first mentioned during a visit to the site by the Lancashire Partnership against Crime

BAe stepped in with the £3,000 to pay for the raft, which was presented to John Vine, Assistant Chief Constable (Operations).

He said: "Our Air Support Unit has 124 miles of coastline to patrol and there is a requirement to assist with searches over water. But to do this properly we needed this type of life raft and we are indebted to British Aerospace for providing it."

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