HE'S every little boy's favourite. We're talking about Thomas the Tank Engine and his merry band of friends. Three times a year Thomas and his saddle tank engine sidekick Percy trundle into sleepy Skipton to spend a day at Embsay Steam Railway. The next date for your diaries is August Bank Holiday weekend. Here's Alan Barnes' account of the last Thomas day in May...

THERE was no mistaking where Thomas was, the huge queue of youngsters accompanied by mums and dads rather gave the game away. There he was, resplendent in his blue paintwork, a big smile on his face, his whistle tooting away and smoke pouring from his big black chimney.

Suddenly the excited rumble of chatter turned to silence, followed by joyous shrieks as children saw the main man - the Fat Controller, more formally known as Sir Topham Hat!

Yes, even the Fat Controller was on hand and what a busy time he had, shaking children's hands, signing autographs, handing out stickers and having his picture taken with junior by dozens of delighted parents.

The Fat Controller, alias Stephen Walker, the line's business manager, was delighted with the weekend of fun. He said: "Apart from Thomas who is the major attraction, we have a steam roller, Bertie the Bus, a magic show, children's entertainer complete with a Punch and Judy show, and a vintage fairground organ.

"There's also a train ride to Stone Acre Loop, and families can get off the train there for a picnic."

The Thomas days have been running at Embsay since 1988 and have grown in popularity to such an extent that the average daily attendance is more than 4,000.

"People are prepared to travel quite a distance to see Thomas," says the Fat Controller. "We tend to draw people from Bradford, Leeds, Manchester and East Lancashire. But we have even had Thomas-mad families travelling all the way from Newcastle."

Admission costs £3.50 per person and that price includes a free gift for each child. Admission entitles you to tickets for the train ride, the miniature railway for children, plus the chance to stand on Thomas the Tank Engine's footplate and toot his whistle.

Embsay station also has a gift shop selling more than 300 items of Thomas memorabilia, and refreshments are available both on the platform and from buffet cars on the train.

If you are at a loose end this August Bank Holiday weekend, why not pay Thomas a visit at Embsay. A tootling good time is guaranteed.

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