NOW that the tragedy of the Princess of Wales is fading, another more sinister aspect of the whole affair is beginning to surface.

Tony Blair seems to have taken upon himself to be the manipulator of the Queen, suggesting how the Royal Family should modernise and proclaiming on this and that.

The Prime Minister seems to have forgotten that he is not Head of State and that he is the servant of The Queen.

She has the power to sack him - and many of us wish she would.

The Queen should ask his advice and he should be big enough to admit that he is acting on her orders.

Instead, Mr Smug will take all the credit for doing us all what would be a disservice, especially of his actions weaken the monarchy.

Or is this what the Left Wing of his party really wants?

B GAVIN Jessel Street, Blackburn.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.