A FATHER today appeared before Blackburn magistrates charged with the attempted murder of his two young sons.

Stephen Schofield, 32, of Lodge Street, Accrington, spoke only to confirm his name and address during the four-minute hearing at Blackburn magistrates court.

Schofield, a chef, who was wearing a Liverpool FC shirt and had a bandage on his left arm, was charged with two counts of attempted murder relating to his sons Daniel Shankly Schofield, six, and Adam Paisley Schofield, four.

He was remanded in custody by Blackburn magistrates until Friday, October 24, when he will go before magistrates in Hyndburn.

The boys are currently in the intensive care unit of the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, where they are being treated for serious neck wounds after an incident at their home in Lodge Street yesterday morning.

Their mother, Anita Pettifer, 27, has been at her sons' bedsides along with other relatives from Hyndburn.

The two brothers were initially taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary, but Daniel was transferred to Pendlebury soon after.

His younger brother was also transferred to the hospital after undergoing emergency surgery in Blackburn.

Detective Inspector Terry Richardson, of Blackburn CID, said: "They are still seriously ill, but not critical."

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