I WOULD like to let your readers know about an exciting new initiative launched last Wednesday at O'Neil's Bar in Blackburn's town centre.

Blackburn's Vision Team is a chance for local companies to join forces and boost Imperial Cancer Research Fund's life saving work.

Our first meeting was a great success, and companies and organisations represented included Blackburn Rovers, Cowie Ford, Porter, Matthews and Marsden, chartered accountants; Q S Fashions and Blackburn College.

Members discussed exciting ideas and creative ways to meet the team's challenge to raise £5,000 over the next 12 months, which will be a valuable contribution to the fight against cancer.

Possible future events are a fashion show, a corporate quiz night and a dinner dance.

The Vision Team will be meeting again on October 29, and anyone wanting to come along can contact me on 01204 853734.

REBECCA MURRELL, Appeals Executive, Northern Appeals Centre, Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

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