WHO ate all the pies? The celebrities did, and a fashion model took 25 home in a doggy bag!

Television stars tucked into no-nonsense Northern nosh at the glittering opening of a top fashion store in Manchester.

Red Or Dead was set up 15 years ago by Blackburn-bred fashion guru Wayne Hemingway and his Padiham-born wife, Gerardine. And they chose the North-South divide as the theme for the opening party.

Staff from Walter Holland and Sons, of Baxenden, were invited to fly the flag for Northern grub.

Assistant brand manager Jonathan Barr, 26, said: "Wayne grew up on our pies and his favourite one is the potato and meat."

The Holland's pies went down a treat with Coronation Street barmaids Samantha and Judy, actresses Tina Hobley and Gaynor Faye, as well as Sarah Cox, from The Girlie Show.

"One model took 25 pies home," said sales and marketing assistant Toby Barty.

Manchester City soccer stars were among the other guests at the opening.

Wayne and Gerardine set up their first clothing factory in Blackburn. Red Or Dead is now one of the biggest fashion houses in the country and sells its designs all over the world.

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